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Advent2024. Wednesday, December 11, 2024
We are right in the middle of Advent: a season of reflecting and remembering the anticipated arrival and coming,of our Lord on that 1st Christmas Day, over 2,000 years ago. During this 4 week period, the theme's of: Hope, Peace, Love, and Joy are honed in on and come front and center. It does us well to pause and pay special attention to 3 things:
  1. What God has done;
  2. What God is doing; and
  3. What God is going to accomplish.

Advent is a time when we not only recall the 1st coming of Christ, to His creation, but also anticipate His 2nd coming (which will occur in accordance with God's Plan). Though we may not know the day or the hour; we live in the expectancy of His arrival at any time. He is Emmanuel, God with us, and He can be trusted because He is trustworthy. 


No matter what season you are in right now, and no matter what you are facing: God has a plan for you, for your life, and to draw you closer to Himself. One recommendation for Advent and this season: Find a way, or ways, to connect/reconnect with God. Reach out to others and ask those questions that you have. Give access to God and be able/willing to listen. You will be amazed at how His response, despite our condition, will come. His love, for us, is undeniable. He has truly loved us with an everlasting love

Give Thanks. Thursday, November 21, 2024

With Thanksgiving coming, we are reminded that "giving thanks" is really more than a seasonal time of year or a special holiday. For the believer and receiver of God's grace, love, and mercy which has been shed abroad, we are to be a continually thankful people who gives God praise. It is the direct and supernatural response of a heart that is overflowing in gratitude from the realization/revelation of what God has accomplished and provided.


Yet, at times, we overlook this. We race toward the next thing to do. The next item that captures our attention. Let us truly pause so that the fullness of what being thankful, and offering our thanksgiving, is and represents. It does us good to not only reflect on this, but to actively be engaged in honoring God (daily, moment by moment). So in this next week leading up to Thanksgiving and then, Advent, may we be a people of gratitude and thanksgiving in this God-ordered, Jesus-led, Spirit-filled season, and may it be a part of our lives for the rest of our lives. 

Quite a Week. Friday, November 8, 2024
It has been quite a week: Super Tuesday (Election Day) 2024. There is no one I know that doesn't show some sort of relief that the entire campaign is over. No matter who you are, one thing most of us can agree on is that with each cycle, these campaigns seem to be both longer in duration and more expensive in cost. No exceptions to this one. Has it been nearly 2 years? We do know from reliable sources that the Presidential Campaign will come in right around $1.5 billion.
Now that it's over, where do we go from here? How do we "heal" and offer "hope" amidst 1/2 of the nation (people we live, dwell, work with, and know) who voted differently than we did, no matter how we voted? It is a challenging question, yet, one we must not back down from as Christians, as Christ-followers. It is part of His mission and as a result, it must be part of ours (as His Church, as His people). 
Jesus shared meals with sinners and tax collectors. He even went into their homes to have this connection and opportunity to engage. We follow His example. One thing we can/ought/should do is pray. Not a gloss over prayer, but a time and season of going before the Lord for our nation, our families, our leaders (who have been duly elected), and how we can be beacons of hope to others. No one says it will be easy, but one thing is for sure: it is required. 
Romans 13 is a source of God's Word and truth that we should rely on and go to. It reminds us of Who is in control and Who appoints our governing officials. It is God Himself. It also cites what our response should be. I could quote a few of the verses here, but I sense it is important that as you read this, you go to this passage on your Bible app. on your PC, or in your hardcopy of the Bible. Glean it and read it yourself, and allow the Holy Spirit to work. He will. Then, pray for ways/means through which you can have dialogue and healthy, Christ-like talks with others. Even others you may not see eye-to-eye with. In the end, love wins. It always does. Let us be the vehicles that shows the love of God to the world.
Go and Serve. Wednesday, September 25, 2024
Sometimes our Christian service (for others) gets pushed aside, or we somehow overlook it. The fact is: it is so much easier and more convenient to gather, meet with, and disciple those who have been on the journey with us. We know them, we've build relationships and friendships with them, and there is less uncertainty. This is true for a lot of Christians and churches today. But were does that leave reaching the lost for Christ's Kingdom? When will we truly take the mission, seriously, "to go into all the world" (Matthew 28) and share the Good News with others, including our enemies?
Those are questions we must ask and confront, and we must do it sooner rather than later. Souls are perishing and lives are in the balance. The SERVE ministry (launched this month, in September 2024) will help us address this, face it, and go into our communities to give away Jesus. Through our initial Prayer Walk, we are intent on blessing this communty as we are able. Please be sure to stay tuned to the October 2024 Event and be a part of this mission. We are better together, for sure; and we are better together when we SERVE.
Back to Church Sunday. Thursday, September 5, 2024
On Sunday, September 15, 2024, we will celebrate National Back to Church Sunday. This is an annual event that invites churches to be a  part of a movement to see the unchurched and de-churched encouraged and welcome to come and encounter God, with us. Our part is to be a bridge and a vessel to help support this initiative, and to allow the Holy Spirit to be the draw. If you have family, friends, co-workers, or neighbors who could use some encouragement and support, this is a great way to invite them to come. Let us know how we can support you and those in your sphere of influence, so that this day can be an introduction (or re-introduction) to church and faith. Let's make this effective for His glory and the expansion of God's Kingdom.
Back on the Blog. Tuesday, February 27, 2024
There really isn't an excuse for being so long between blogs. I admit that and apologize for it. I will do better as we move forward and see mission expand. There can be no doubt, however, that things have been happening at Bridgeway on nearly every front. That is a good and God-ordered thing. In this past season, since really last fall (of 2023), we have been on the receiving end of some major things that God has provided. Yes, there are still challenges and some very desperate situations, but over and over again, God has been "better than we deserve." From His provision and restoration to His healing and divine power: God is for us (we know). One thing I will highlight and continue to feature is our upcoming Annual Church Meeting. Why?-you may ask. Because it is the time and opportunity for us to celebrate, recall, and reflect on what God has done, together and in person. Please jot down, mark, and plan to be a part of this as both reports and testimonies are shared on the 2023-2024 year. This year it is: Wednesday, March 20, 2024 @ 6 pm in the Worship Center. It will be worth it and we hope you will join us. The church is a body, a family, a people of faith and we must celebrate His grace, love, and mercy. Until then: stay tuned for more details, even on this blog. Thank you!
Mission Forward. Friday, May 19, 2023
It's been just over a month since the last posting. Not intentional, there has just been much going on in ministry, in mission, and for His Kingdom. That is a blessing. It is during some dormant cycles when we might wonder if anything is happening; or if anything "good" is happening at all. I believe that is a normal reaction. Yet, God acts, speaks, and works during all seasons: when things are seemingly quiet and when things are downright hectic. His presence remains and His will is being done.
Moving Mission Forward is essential. In the Great Commission, Jesus states: "Go into all the world, and make disciples of all people..."  This was given and entrusted to those who remained: his disciples/followers, and the church that would launch into a cold, dark, Roman controlled world. No opt-outs. No claiming things were too busy and hectic. No excuses contained within. We could take His command as simply: "Go!" ​​​​​​ This is why we are committed to moving mission forward: Our Lord told us to, and that is enough.
I am grateful and humbled to serve alongside a community, a people, a Jesus-loving workforce that takes this passionately and in/with great faith. Through the year, we have opportunities to connect, fellowship, join together, learn, pray, serve, and witness to God's grace, love, and mercy. I am grateful to the Lord for leaders and servants who take His command seriously, and give so very much to give Jesus lift Him expand His Kingdom on earth. Together, let us continue to move this mission forward!
Prayer Mobilization Effort. Monday, April 17, 2023
From Easter to Pentecost, our region's focus is on prayer with over 500,000 praying each day for mobilization and mission. So much can be said about prayer: what it is, why it's important, how the Lord taught us how to pray, etc. Oswald Chambers once stated: "Prayer doesn't prepare us for the greater work; prayer is the greater work."  
We have to be/become more disciplined in the action of prayer. It is essential and as Christ followers, we must be a praying people after God's own heart. So while we emphasize prayer and put it into focus during this season: it is a way of life. As we pray and seek to come closer to God, this is our prayer for today: "Lord, help us to become a praying people; that we would have your heart and vision for the lost, the broken, the rejected, and the world. May we not only seek Your plan and purpose, but may we truly be Your salt and light in action and in love. May Your Spirit fill us as we go and share and give away Your Good News! In Jesus Name. Amen."
Worship is... Sunday, April 16, 2023 @ 6:15 am
Over the years (decades now), it seems that a lot of effort has been placed into trying to define/redefine what Worship really is. Some have said a format, a style, and even a specific genre or type. So much is spent in transitioning to the "greatest" and "latest" in systems and technology. To a large extent, whether we admit it or not, like it or not, we have (in part) made Worship into an experience and we gauge it by how people react/respond.
In the Word of God and from His teaching: we see this truth: God is the audience of our Worship. That is, it is not about us; it's about Him. As His children, His church, His followers: we bring, deliver, and give our Worship to Him. When we get this, it changes our view and our perspective. Sure, we are built up and encouraged when our Worship magnifies Him, and He will use it to bring us closer to Himself. This is, in part, why we put priority on corporate Worship. His presence is manifested in ways we won't know of otherwise. God is faithful and when Worship and our desire to exalt Him is a part of our desire and everyday life, it will be evident.
Worship isn't an option. It's not based on how we feel or how things are going in our lives. Likewise, we shouldn't condition it on the subjective matters. Rather, it is to come from the heart, from the overflow of the heart, for Who God is and what He has done. As the songwriter wrote: "I worship You, Almighty God, there is none like You!" Amen!